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Extras and other goodies

Welcome to the extras page! This is the catchall for all other items in the site. Come in and look around!

General Stuff

I got interviewed! - I had an interview with Tim at Cool Collecting. Read it in all its glory.
Comixpedia interview! - Interview #2, courtesy of Xerexes and the fine folks at Comixpedia!
Gigcast Interview - Interview #3 for the Nightgig's podcast, the Gigcast. Hear what I sound like!
USA Today poll results - These are actual results from a USA Today poll, which appeared on July 1-2, 2004. I can now claim gloating rights... mostly from appearing on such a poll, rather than the fact I got three votes :P
The house's floor plan - Have you ever wondered what the guys' house is set up like? I created a basic floor plan back when I created the comic, so that I could better set up camera angles and stuff like that. This is an improved version, but not perfect, because, well, I'm not an architect! It's still interesting to look at.
April Fools 2006 - The elaborate page setup I did for April 1, 2006. tlhingan Hol!


Holiday 2005
800x600 | 1024x768 | 1280x960 | 1600x1200
ToG Cast - 2005
800x600 | 1024x768 | 1280x960
Pete vs. Onibuke
800x600 | 1024x768 | 1280x960
ToG Pong - courtesy of Eddache
800x600 | 1024x768
Holiday 2004
800x600 | 1024x768 | 1280x960
The Jer-Wolf
800x600 | 1024x768 | 1280x960
800x600 | 1024x768

Fan Art

by Speck by Speck by Speck
by Spot by Samfish by Turing
by rukh03 by Grimwit by Fading Aura

Comic Specials

TWC Comic Sampler - some time ago, Top Web Comics was supposed to come out with a sampler book featuring various web comics. The book never came, but here's the five "lost" Tao of Geek pages that I did for the book.
Fusion Comic #1 - A fusion comic is a game of telephone played by webcomic artists: one person starts a comic, then passes the panel onto the next person. That person makes a comic panel in response, then passes it on to another person, and so forth. It's bizarre. Read the first ToG fusion here!
RPGNow comics - Extra ToG comics are available in select editions of the RPGNow ezine! The first comic is a repeat, but since then, there's been NEW, ORIGINAL RPG-related comics! What are you waiting for? Note that the link takes you to the CURRENT ezine, and you can read the previous ezine from there, as well. Jan 2004 (PDF format) March 2004 April 2004 May 2004 June 2004
How Not to Run a Comic - There's this comic collaboration site called How Not to Run a Comic, and the purpose is to show pitfalls and failings other comic artists do, so you don't do them! Anyway, this is my current submission to HNTRAC, which seems to have been very well received.

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The Tao of Geek and all related materials copyright 2002-2008 Liz Walsh. Do not use without permission.
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